When was the last time we talked about downloading again? I just remember about rapidshare. I don't know why rapidshare search of all things that could possibly pop into my mind at this very moment. Is it because I'm up to a movie marathon again or something? Ok, forget it. Anyway, so how was your experience with rapidshare search? Were you satisfied about it? I hope you did.

I'm pretty sure that you really feel good about your try with the rapidshare for the past couple of weeks. And great news! I happened to visit again the site and it looks like there's something new about it that I think it is being made for you to enjoy using it even more.

By the way, I asked my officemate just recently for a favor to give me a copy of this TV series entitled Harpers Island. I wonder where he downloaded it. He should really try this new rapidshare search himself. Maybe I just open it up to him when I get a chance.

I think that's all for now folks. I'm just giving you an update.

Try it yourself too!


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