Real Name
: Leighton Meester
Gossip Girl Name
: Blair Waldorf

She Got It All!

for me, she is the most beautiful girl in television (or atleast for now)
i like her role in gossip girl (sometimes i can find a connection with her)
i like the way she act
for me, she is the fashion icon

i like the way she dresses (she is one of the best dressed celebs)

she has style
she is talented (can sing)
i think she's nice (i hope)

And I also hope she is

(and intelligent like Natalie Portman)

: Birthday and Farewell
Date: May 1, 2010
: Eduardo's

Lyra, Mylene

Once again, a group of friends of ESPC agents from day and night shift had gathered for a double celebration. It was a celebration of Mylene's birthday and Lyra's Farewell. In this circle of friends, celebrating one's birthday became a tradition. It may be a simple treat or a little kind of a party somewhere. It happened that one of my dearest friend, Lyra, was up to a new challenge of her life and finally got a chance to practice her profession abroad. It was like a one time opportunity that suddenly knocked on her.

Note: this post is titled after Lyra's album

When some of my friends at Eversun invited me to join them for swimming at Villa de Mercedes Club House, I refused the invitation for the reason that I was busy and felt tired at that time. And when I saw their pictures taken from there, I was so determined to visit that place to see and experience it myself. And so I did! With only 7 of us made it there, time hadn't been wasted because we were really had had the time of our life. I never really expected it to be that fun but thanks to them for making that a worthwhile experience.